Friday, November 22, 2019

Watching TV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Watching TV - Essay Example For that reason, it keeps people more aware of their surroundings making people smarter when it comes to solving societal issues. Therefore, in my opinion TV makes people to be intelligent. This argument is in agreement with Steven Johnson essay† watching T.V makes you smarter.† The choice of material that people choose to watch on television is what matter in relation to the intelligence it is going to add on that person. For example, shows like Simpson have an entertaining aspect while at the same time has quality of morals and knowledge that it shares with it viewers. For that reason, most people who spend their time watching the Simpson get to grasp knowledge what the show is trying to bring out (Johnson 170). Furthermore, the shows targets the average American so promoting the life of a middleclass American. By so doing, it encourages individuals who watch the show because they know that there is a person who understands what they are facing each day, hence adding and intellectual advantage. Moreover, television has its advantages when it comes to the group of people it wants to target. The television shows that are aired have an age bracket meaning that the content that is aired for children adds some intellectual value. For example, tellytubbies and other cartoons act as a good method to measure the children intellectual capability to establish whether they understand the content. Thus, although the content is entertaining it also grabs the attention of the children meaning that at the end of the show they will have achieved something. Furthermore, television acts as an intellectual advantage because it promotes many possibilities such as higher learning, as well as, providing entertainment (Johnson 175). For example, when watching a documentary a person get to understand many thing and by seeing the visual pictures on the documentary makes them more alert; hence, acting as a great source of gathering

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