Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Microtubles Essay Example For Free At Magic Help - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2132 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Medicine Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Describe the Structure and Functions of Microtubules Why Can Drugs That Interfere With Microtubule Assembly Be Used as Cancer Therapy? Introduction Microtubules form as a highly organised network of polarised tube filaments from a protein called tubulin. Its regulation is needed for processes such as mitosis, cell migration, cell signalling and cell trafficking. The microtubules themselves are regulated by several kinases and phosphatases via signalling cascades, and concomitantly by interactions with actin cytoskeleton and adhesion sites. Microtubule-targeted drugs (MTDs) constitute a major anticancer therapeutic class having properties of anti-mitotic and anti-angiogenic properties, thereby inhibiting malignant cell growth mainly by altering microtubule dynamics in both cancer and endothelial cells. The key to design of MTDs and the understanding of tumour progression regulators is the identification of proteins regulating the microtubule network. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Microtubles Essay Example For Free At Magic Help" essay for you Create order Cell Morphology and Function As the name implies, microtubules are hollow tubes having an external diameter of roughly 25nm and a cell wall thickness of 5-7nm. One of their functions is to transport organelles (e.g. secretetory vesicles) through the cytoplasm, a particularly important role in nerve cells where axoplasmic flow is required. They also have a critical role in cilia and flagella movement. Microtubules originate from a complex structure known as centrosome. Between cell divisions (figure 1), the centrosome is located at the centre of a cell near the nucleus. Embedded in the centrosome are two cylindrical centrioles, arranged at right angles to each other. At the onset of cell division, a centrosome divides and the two daughter centrosomes move to opposite poles of the nucleus to form a mitotic spindle The functions of microtubules are important to the survival of eukaryotic cells because, along with actin and intermediate filaments, microtubules constitute the cytoskeleton which offers shape a nd strength to the cytoplasm. It is therefore vital that we understand their fundamentals, such as what they are composed of and how their structure is both maintained and destroyed within cells. As mentioned in the introduction, the building blocks microtubules are tubulin. However, only two forms of tubulin, ?-tubulin and ?-tubulin, play a role in the formation of the microtubule structure. When the ? and ?-tubulin bind, a useful subunit called a heterodimer forms. When intracellular conditions favour assembly, tubulin heterodimers assemble into linear protofilaments, which in turn assemble into microtubules. All such assembly is subject to regulation by the cell. [11] The interactions holding ? and ?-tubulin in a heterodimeric complex are strong enough that ? tubulin subunit rarely dissociates under normal conditions. Each tubulin subunit binds two molecules of GTP. One GTP-binding site, located in ?-tubulin, binds GTP irreversibly and does not hydrolyze it, whereas the second site, located on ?-tubulin, binds GTP reversibly and hydrolyzes it to GDP. The second site is called the exchangeable site because GDP can be displaced by GTP. The recently solved atomic structure of the tubulin subunit reveals that the non-exchangeable GTP is trapped at the interface between the ? and ?-tubulin monomers, while the exchangeable GTP lies at the surface of the subunit Microtubules may appear to be stable but they usually oscillate between growth and shortening phases. During growth, heterodimers are added on to the end of a microtubule, and during shrinkage they come off as intact subunits. [11] This active process of assembly and disassembly can be inhibited by a range of drugs that bind to many sites in the ?-tubulin subunit. These drugs prevent mitotic division and ultimately lead to cell death, by means of necrosis and apoptosis. The subunits are aligned end to end into a protofilament. The side-by-side packing of protofilaments forms the wall of t he microtubule. In this model, the protofilaments are slightly staggered so that a-tubulin in one protofilament is in contact with a-tubulin in the neighboring protofilaments. Microtubules and Cancer Therapy The aim of treatment in patients with cancer is cure or, if this is not possible, effective palliation of many cancers present as localised tumour masses, but surgery or radiotherapy often fails to eradicate the disease, which eventually becomes widespread. For this reason, there is a trend to incorporate systemic treatment with local treatment at the time of diagnosis. [3] The basic mechanism of anticancer drugs is the inhibition of cell proliferation processes. However if they fail to selectively target tumour cells over proliferating normal cells, this renders the drug toxic. This particularly arises in the bone marrow, gastrointestinal epithelium and hair follicles. A cytotoxic drug is said to be selective in cancer therapy if it inhibits malignant composite cells undergoing division and concomitantly allows for normal cell proliferation. Anticancer drugs are classified according to their sites of action either during the cell cycle or along the synthetic pathway of cellu lar macromolecules. Some drugs are only effective during part of the cell cycle, which are termed phase-specific drugs, while others are cytotoxic throughout the cell cycle usually called cycle-specific drugs [3]. Vinca alkaloids and taxanes are drugs that inhibit mitosis by binding to the microtubular proteins necessary for spindle formation. They can therefore be classified as phase-specific drugs to be more precise however; they are M-phase specific. The main vinca alkaloids are vincristine, vinblastine and vindesine. They have been used in the treatment of cancer for over many years. It is because of their efficacy that has guaranteed that they remain among the drugs of choice for numerous types of human cancers, â€Å"They are used in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, lymphomas and some solid tumours†[3]. They bind to tubulin and inhibit its polymerisation into microtubules which prevents spindle formation. [14] Microtubules are central to a number of cellular pr ocesses including the formation of the mitotic spindle. It is without a doubt that the destruction of the spindle leads to a loss of chromosome segregation which consequently inhibits cell division causing cell death. Although the cell spindle was an obvious goal for further drug development, research in this area was obsolete until the exciting clinical results of the taxane drugs were reported in the late 1980s [4]. The taxanes paclitaxel and docelatel also bind to tubulin, however these agents, in contrast to the vinca alkaloids, stabilise the spindle and produces mitotic arrest. Thus, microtubule stabilisation leads to similar effects as microtubule disruption. Research in the field has again increased following the observation that agents that bind to tubulin can selectively destroy the arrangement of blood vessels within tumours, causing widespread tumour necrosis [5]. It may be possible that the vinca alkaloids and the taxane drugs also exert part of their tumour-des troying action through an antivascular mechanism. This may depend on targeting endothelial cells rather than tumour cells for drug action. A possible advantage of this approach is that endothelial cells are not transformed and are unlikely to acquire mutations resulting in drug resistance. [6] The destruction of the tumour vasculature also arises through a tubulin-related mechanism. The disorder of the microtubular arrangement impairs the cell function because microtubules are involved in the maintenance of cell shape. The tumour selectivity begins from the unsystematic character of tumour blood vessels. Rouget cells or pericytes are associated abluminally with all vascular capillaries and post-capillary venules. [10] The tumour blood vessels lack these cells along with sustaining smooth muscle which causes them to be feeble. Therefore the endothelial cells lining the tumour blood vessels are more vulnerable to the effects of vinca alkaloids and taxanes. Although contact with these anticancer drugs is experienced by all vascular endothelial cells, it is the vulnerable tumour blood vessels that are damaged the most. This ultimately leads to necrosis of tumour cells that were reliant on the blood vessels. One problem seen in these studies is the survival of cancer cells at the periphery of the tumour [7]. These are nourished from the blood vessels of the normal neighboring tissue and are therefore not affected by the damage of blood vessels in the tumour. These tumour cells are likely to increase in number again. For that reason, it is doubtful that these anticancer drugs will be effective unless given in combination with additional therapies. This may be strikingly more successful than single drugs, for example in the treatment of some cancers such as Hodgkins disease. [3] The shortcoming in previous clinical trials on agents targeting tubulin was the rejection of potentially useful agents because interest was more centered on toxicity and survival of drugs, rather than the action or effects of drugs on blood vessels. The breakthrough of new antivascular treatments would be an essential addition to cancer therapy; hence it is these agents that are presently most fascinating to scientists. Other Drugs That Inhibit Function of Microtubules There are more than thirty drugs in the past or in present clinical development. [13] In order to maintain a reasonable size for the following sections, only a few of the more fascinating drugs will be discussed. Some that where not mentioned previously include: Taxol an anti-cancer drug, stabilises microtubules Colchicine binds tubulin and blocks polymerisation. Microtubules depolymerise at high colchicine concentration. Nocodazole causes de-polymerisation of microtubules. Actinomycin antibiotic able to halt cancer, not widely used as it is highly toxic The Microtubule Network as a Target for Therapeutic Agents The various M-phase specific drugs act by targeting different parts of the heterodimer. To date, three binding areas have been acknowledged: the colchicine site close to the ?/? interface, the region where the vinca alkaloids bind, and the taxane binding pocket. [13] Colchicine, currently a medication for acute gout, also inhibits cell division and has therefore previously been used in cancer therapy. It binds to a site near the ? and ?-tubulin interface within the microtubule, blocking microtubule polymerisation [15]. However, its high toxicity prevents its use for current cancer therapy. Vinca alkaloids inhibit microtubule assembly by cross-linking at the inter-dimer interface; they sterically distort the protofilament and induce tubulin to form alternate spiral polymers [16]. The mechanism of action of taxanes is quite different from that of the other two, for it promotes the assembly of microtubules, resulting in highly stable, non-functional polymers. Taxanes bind at the M loop on the ?-subunit, stabilising lateral contacts between protofilaments [17]. Antimitotic agents that interact with microtubule components are of interest for the insights they can provide into the roles of microtubules in cells and the subtleties of tubulin structure and also for their potential activity in the treatment of human neoplastic diseases. A variety of bioassays have been used to identify new antitubulin agents and new techniques have been developed to further understand their biological potency and mechanistic basis at the molecular level. Drug Combinations Although M-phase specific drugs are remarkable in that it prevents further malignant growth, the administration of combinations of drugs given intermittently often produces better results than more continues treatment with a single drug. The rationale is that a combination of drugs with different toxic effects and affecting different biochemical pathways has anti-tumour activity without addictive toxicity. [3] However, a large number of antimitotic drugs are currently under development, this implies that microtubules are still a very worthwhile target for anticancer therapies. Bibliography [1] Gillian Pocock, Christopher D. Richards. Human Physiology: The Basis of Medicine (Oxford Core Texts). Oxford University Press; 3Rev Ed edition (Jan 2006). p 23 [2] https://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/C/cell_cycle.html [3] Michael J. Neal, Medical Pharmacology at a Glance, Blackwell Publishing; 5th Edition (Aug 2005), p92-93 [4] Rowinski, E.K., Cazenave, L.A., Donehower, R.C. (1990) Taxol: a novel investigational antimicrotubule agent. J Natl Cancer Inst 82, 1247-1259. [5] Dark, G.G., Hill, S.A., Prise, V.E., Tozer, G.M., Pettit, G.R. and Chaplin, D.J. (1997) Cancer Res 57, 1829-1834. [6] Antivascular therapy: a new approach to cancer treatment. British Medical Journal, March 27, 1999  by A J Hayes, L Y Li, M E Lippman [7] Zhao, S., Moore, J.V., Waller, M.L., McGown, A.T., Hadfield, J.A., Pettit, G.R. and Hastings, D.L. (1999) European J Nuclear Medicine 26, 231-238. [8] https://www.ba-education.demon.co.uk/for/science/dnaphotos/dnaphoto.html [9 ] https://www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/biobk/BioBookmito.html [10].https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrievedb=PubMedlist_uids=8915187dopt=Abstract [11] https://www.ruf.rice.edu/~bioslabs/studies/invertebrates/microtubules.html [12] Harvey Lodish, Arnold Berk, Lawrence S. Zipursky, Paul Matsudaira, David Baltimore, James Darnell. Molecular Cell Biology, W. H. Freeman; 5th edition (2003) p1036-1035 [13] Jordan, A., Hadfield, J.A., Lawrence, N.J. and McGown, A.T. (1998) Tubulin as a target for anticancer drugs: agents which interact with the mitotic spindle. Med. Res. Rev. p18 [14] H.P. Rang, M. Maureen Dale, James M. Ritter, Philip Moore, Pharmacology, Churchill Livingstone; 5th edition (31 Mar 2003), p 704 [15] Downing, K.H. and Nogales, E. New insights into microtubule structure and function from the atomic model of tubulin. (1998) Eur. Biophys J 27, 431-436. [16] Wilson, L., Jordan, M.A., Morse, A. and Margolis, R.L. (1982) Journal of Molecular Biology 159, 125-149. [17] Snyder, J.P., Nettles, J.H., Cornett, B., Downing, K.H. and Nogales, E. (2001) Potential for self-assembly and microtubule interaction 98, 5312-5316.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Literary Analyzes Of Young Goodman Brown - 1746 Words
Literary analyzes of Young Goodman Brown Young goodman brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a story about a normal man that ventures into the forest to meet an old man who attempts to tempt him into going deeper into the woods to worship the devil. After the old man convinces him that everyone that he loves and respects is going to the devil’s ceremony he gives in. In Young Goodman Brown, Hawthorne effectively uses the personality and psychology of the Characters along with symbolism to portray the theme that putting one s faith in others leads to weakness. The Characters in Young Goodman Brown are meant to represent society as a whole. They show how sin can tempt any individual whose faith is still developing. D. M. Mckeithan writes in her†¦show more content†¦(95) The old man uses an everybody is doing it approach to encourage Goodman Brown to attend a ceremony to worship the Devil. The old man shows the people Goodman Brown respected most in his community to degrade his faith. As Goodman Brown loses faith in others, he loses faith in himself. Mckeithan continues to say, â€Å"The Minister of Salem Village, Deacon Gookin, Goody Closyse, and Faith were all good in spite of what Goodman Brown eventually came to think of them (96). These are people that were supposedly more spiritually mature than Goodman Brown. He relied on their faith to keep his strong because his faith in God was still new and not fully developed. The psychology of Goodman Brown plays a major rule in his lack of faith because his lack of self esteem allows his desires overcome his reason and morality. Goodman Brown’s conflicts of interest are represented throughout story through the characters. All his evil desires are his id and his reason for avoiding his sin such as the views that his society will have on him is his ego. Levy said in his essay â€Å"The Problem of Faith in â€Å"Young Goodman Brown††, â€Å"His submission to evil suggests that the demands of the id have overtaken the ego†(379). 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Cultural difference between US China Free Essays
The relative differences in the American and Chinese business background may well predict how transaction costs will be evaluated. On the part of the Chinese business criterion, it seems that the contrasting attitude of their business scheme may define a larger cost in trade investments for the American counterparts. The promising good trade partnership between American companies doing business with its Chinese segments may bring huge monetary concerns on the part of the former. We will write a custom essay sample on Cultural difference between US China or any similar topic only for you Order Now The most significant attribute in the Chinese business core is the fact that their business structure is purely based on experience. This is very much evident since most of the companies are family-based businesses. As a result, there is no exact business trend that will make the companies adhere to the normal business plan as compared to the companies in the United States. This fact contributes largely to the aspect of limiting the flow of investment within a specific domain of the family owned business. One disadvantage when it comes to costs is that an American company may not be able to induce its influence on the transaction if they are to deal with the Chinese based companies. The structured and well organized scheme employed by American companies may not be useful at all since the transaction will purely be based on the way the Chinese handle its business. The unpredictability of the financial aspect might take its toll in the American company’s investments. These will likely to happen even if the labor and commodity cost in china is very cheap. Also, there is not even a comparison of the Chinese and U. S. factory labor costs because reliable statistics from the Asian giant don’t exist (News Analysis). This is a somewhat big drawback if the American company needs to assess the appropriate wage that it should set aside from its capital. Another big concern that will predict a very large cost discrepancy would be in the aspect of formal agreement. The Chinese tend to use fewer contracts when involving other sources of investment. This is very contrasting to the attitude of American companies where everything is settled on paper even before the activity proceeds. The Chinese companies tend to rely on trusted partnerships and loyalty of their background workforce for their own survival in the trade world. This could equate to a very high cost for the American company especially if the agreement will not be implemented according to the drafted plan. It is very possible that one segment of the production line will experience problems in business processing. Such scenario will eventually take effect on both the Chinese and American company in partnership. However, the larger cost will be incurred on the American company’s account. This is so because of the large dependency in a specified business plan. Moreover, there will be a waste in monetary values together with the production time frame just to take full recovery of the lost trade opportunity. This is the most discouraging factor when it comes to unspecified productivity dilemmas. The global economy is starting to implement a rather large opportunity for all markets. Apparently, because of this global merchandising capacity of various countries, it would be very much accepted that the efficiency and survival of a certain business lies directly on the trading partners where it seems to be compatible with. On the case of the American and Chinese business relationship, it should first consider how the financial cost of partnership will eventually influence each other’s trading posts. A complete analysis of the cost attributes should be taken into consideration. Apparently, the behavior of Chinese business is very difficult to understand (Chen, 1999-2007). References: Chen, Ming-Jer. 1999-2007. Inside Chinese Business. QuickMBA. Retrieved May 8, 2007 from http://www. quickmba. com/mgmt/intl/china/. News Analysis. 2004. Just How Cheap Is Chinese Labor?. Businessweek. Retrieved May 8, 2007 form http://www. businessweek. com/bwdaily/dnflash/dec2004/nf2004122_6762_db039. htm. How to cite Cultural difference between US China, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Photographs objectify essay Example For Students
Photographs objectify essay Photographs objectify: they turn an event or a person into some thing that can be possessed. And photographs are a species of alchemy, for all that they are prized as a transparent account of reality (p. 81). Photographs can never really be objective records of history; photographers inject their own artistic attitudes into their work. Photographers have been immortalizing warfare with their cameras since the time of the Crimean War. Back then, it was impossible to create objective photographs, not that anyone would have tried. The British sent out Roger Fenton to present the war to the public as a dignified all-male group outing (p.50). Because it took several seconds to capture a single picture, it was impossible for Fenton to photograph actual combat, and the government forbade him from photographing any dead, ill or maimed soldiers. In addition, he had to pose his subjects, so the soldiers were aware of their being photographed. It was virtually impossible for Fenton to create candid, realistic photos that reflected the true lives led by the soldiers; he could only produce artful photographs that reinforced the attitudes presented to the British public by the government. But even after photography became more practical at the time of the Civil War, photographers still manipulated the composition of their photographs. Photographers like Alexander Gardner and Timothy O Sullivan still captured actual soldiers and actual battlefields, but they continued to use artistic license to create images that were more compelling to their viewers. Photographers posed dead soldiers and manipulated the compositions of their work, even though technology had progressed to the point that staging their photos was unnecessary. They still held onto the belief that to photograph was to compose (with living subjects, to pose) and the desire to arrange elements in the picture did not vanish because the subject was immobilized, or immobile (p. 53). With the invention of motion pictures, one would think that war would finally be recorded as it really happened, but this still wasnt the case. Soldiers reenacted battle charges and other events for the benefit of the cameramen. In 1898 Roosevelts Rough Riders charged up San Juan Hill a second time, after the battle, because the actual battle charge was deemed insufficiently dramatic. Films were also shot again if the original reel was too violent or too terrible. Historical records were still being fabricated, even though new technology made such falsifications increasingly difficult. With the advent of the motion picture, photographers became somewhat obsolete in their office of recording history. Yet photographs still hold power. Photography is selective; it is always the image that someone chose; to photograph is to frame, and to frame is to exclude (p. 46). Photographers in more recent times use their photographs to make statements about war. In the Vietnam War, photographers criticized the war with their photographs, to reflect and support the criticism expressed by the American public. However, the viewers of such photos still seem to forget about the photographers that are behind the photos, framing them to fit their purposes. A picture may be worth so many thousands of words, but those words are not and never will be objective. The problem is not that people remember through photographs, but that they remember only the photographs (p. 89). Photographs taken today in Iraq will be found in textbooks thirty years from now. Our children and the generations that follow will look at those pictures and read the stories that go along with them, but they will probably retain the memory of the photograph over the words found in the text. .u0e0d169434dd1f3a427f7eea5c0ed3d0 , .u0e0d169434dd1f3a427f7eea5c0ed3d0 .postImageUrl , .u0e0d169434dd1f3a427f7eea5c0ed3d0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0e0d169434dd1f3a427f7eea5c0ed3d0 , .u0e0d169434dd1f3a427f7eea5c0ed3d0:hover , .u0e0d169434dd1f3a427f7eea5c0ed3d0:visited , .u0e0d169434dd1f3a427f7eea5c0ed3d0:active { border:0!important; } .u0e0d169434dd1f3a427f7eea5c0ed3d0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0e0d169434dd1f3a427f7eea5c0ed3d0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0e0d169434dd1f3a427f7eea5c0ed3d0:active , .u0e0d169434dd1f3a427f7eea5c0ed3d0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0e0d169434dd1f3a427f7eea5c0ed3d0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0e0d169434dd1f3a427f7eea5c0ed3d0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0e0d169434dd1f3a427f7eea5c0ed3d0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0e0d169434dd1f3a427f7eea5c0ed3d0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0e0d169434dd1f3a427f7eea5c0ed3d0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0e0d169434dd1f3a427f7eea5c0ed3d0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0e0d169434dd1f3a427f7eea5c0ed3d0 .u0e0d169434dd1f3a427f7eea5c0ed3d0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0e0d169434dd1f3a427f7eea5c0ed3d0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Invention of Photography - The Daguerreotype EssayPhotographs have been used to depict warfare for centuries now. Photographers like Roger Fenton and Timothy OSullivan recorded the so-called realities of war. While their photographs were not completely true to life, they still hold a piece of the truth. Fentons photographs show the very idealistic side of the Crimean War, which did exist, if only in the rarest of moments, and OSullivans work showed the brutal realities of war-time epidemics and death on a battlefield. Even if his photographs were not photos of soldiers exactly as theyd fallen, they were photographs of real dead soldiers that had died real deaths, from real bullets or real illnesses. According to Sontag, a painting or drawing is judged a fake when it turns out not to be by the artist to whom it had been attributed. A photographà is judged a fake when it turns out to be deceiving the viewer about the scene it purports to depict (p. 46). This is because people assume that photographs are not art, or that they can be both art and historical fact simultaneously. This is impossible. No matter how advanced technology becomes, it will always be impossible to produce a completely objective photograph; the photographer will inevitably shine through, in the subject matter, in the composition, in everything; a photographer becomes part of his work, and that work therefore becomes art. Photographers have not been recording warfare for centuries-they have been creating art surrounding warfare, and in doing so, they have captured the true essences of that warfare.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Kirkpatrick Model of Training free essay sample
Donald Kirkpatricks 1975 book Evaluating Training Programs defined his originally published ideas of 1959, thereby further increasing awareness of them, so that his theory has now become arguably the most widely used and popular model for the evaluation of training and learning. Kirkpatricks four-level model is now considered an industry standard across the HR and training communities. The four levels of training evaluation model was later redefined and updated in Kirkpatricks 1998 book, called Evaluating Training Programs: The Four Levels. LevelEvaluation Type (what is measured)Evaluation Description Characteristics 1 Reaction-reaction evaluation is how the trainees felt about the training or learning experience 2 Learning-learning evaluation is the measurement of the increase in knowledge before and after 3 Behavior-behavior evaluation is the extent of applied learning back on the job implementation 4 Results -results evaluation is the effect on the business or environment by the trainee evelevaluation type (what is measured)evaluation description and characteristicsexamples of evaluation tools and methodsrelevance and practicability 1 reaction-reaction evaluation is how the delegates felt, and their personal reactions to the training or learning experience, for example: -did the trainees like and enjoy the training?
Monday, November 25, 2019
Private statistical database The WritePass Journal
Private statistical database Abstract Private statistical database Abstract1. Introduction 2. Body2.1. Definition of statistical databases 2.2. Privacy in statistical databases2.3. Methods for providing private statistical databases2.3.1 Perturbation methods2.3.1.1 Input perturbation2.3.1.2 Output perturbation 2.3.2 Query restriction method Query set size control method2.3.2.2 Query set overlap method2.3.2.3 Auditing2.3.2.4 Partitioning2.3.2.5 Cell suppression2.3.3 Differential privacy3. Conclusion References Related Abstract As the statistical databases consist of important and sensitive information, the preservation of the privacy in these databases is of extremely significance. Despite the complexity of the statistical databases’ protection, there are diverse sorts of mechanisms which can keep out the confidential data. This report discusses methods as data perturbations, query restriction methods and differential privacy which provide privacy in the statistical databases. Keywords: statistical databases, privacy, input perturbation, output perturbation, differential privacy. 1. Introduction Nowadays, there is a wide-spread access to data. Having a lot of advantages to omnipresent access of information, there is also the possibility to break the privacy of individuals. In the statistical databases, personal data with very large number of individuals is stored. The statistical databases contain multiple statistical information. They give to their users the ability to acquire this information and also to protect the privacy of individuals. However, supporting security in the statistical databases against the revealing of confidential data is complicated and ambitious task. This problem of privacy in the statistical databases has expanded in the recent years. This report will examine the main methods for providing privacy in the statistical databases.  2. Body 2.1. Definition of statistical databases A statistical database is a set of data units which has permissive access to the statistical information connected to these data parts. The statistical database could be described as a database system which allows to its users to obtain only aggregate statistics for a subset of items introduced in the database [1]. The statistical database posses limited querying interface which is restricted to operations such as sum, count, mean, etc. The statistical database also could be defined as query responsive algorithm which permits the users to access the content of the database through statistical queries [2]. The statistical database is concerned with the multidimensional datasets and is related to the statistical summarizations of the data sets’ dimensions. The statistical database is mainly oriented to socio-economic databases which are normally the field of statisticians. An example of statistical database is the census data which is linked to collection of information about the assessment of the population trends. Another example of statistical database is the economic database which includes statistics for the industries’ sales and income or statistics for the use and production of diverse products [3]. 2.2. Privacy in statistical databases The privacy can be described as the right to specify what type of information about individuals or items is allowed to be shared with others. The benefits from analyzing the statistical database are very significant but the release of the information from this database could cause a lot of problems, troubles and damages. Thus, one of the main aims of the statistical database is to ensure privacy of the information. To be an effective statistical database, it should protect all its records [4]. As the statistical database should provide statistical information, it should not disclose private information on the items or individuals it refers to. The releasing of a statistical data may offend the privacy rights of the individuals. Therefore, the statistical database should follow some ethical and legal behavior to defend the individuals’ records. For legal, ethical and professional grounds, the users of the statistical database are not authorized to receive special information on individual records. The statistical database should protect the sensitive information allowing its users to get aggregate information. The restricted access should be permitted either from the point of view of the groups of people to whom this information is available or from the point of view of the certain aspects of this information. However, it is possible sometimes when statistics are correlated, the sensitive information to be inferred. If a combination of aggregate queries is used to obtain information, we say that the information in the database is compromised and therefore the database is also compromised [5]. The main duty for the privacy of statistical database is to find appropriate methods which could ensure that no queries are sufficient to infer the values of the protected records. 2.3. Methods for providing private statistical databases The following methods and techniques are used to secure the privacy in statistical databases. 2.3.1 Perturbation methods There are two main perturbation methods for preserving privacy in statistical databases. The first one is the input perturbation where the primary data is randomly modified and the results are calculated based on this modified data. The second perturbation method is the output perturbation which computes the results from the queries exactly from the actual data [6]. In other words, the input perturbation is detected when the records are computed on the queries while the output perturbation is applied to the query result after computing it on the original data. The perturbation methods look for accomplishment of the masking of item or individual’s confidential information while trying to maintain the basic aggregate relationships of the statistical database. One of the main aims of these methods is to ‘conceal’ particular confidential record. It is also necessary to notice that the perturbation techniques are not encryption techniques which first modify the data, t hen usually send it, receive it and finally decrypt it to the original data. The primary difficulty of these methods is to assure that the introduced error is within the satisfactory limits. There is an exchange between the level of protection that could be attained and the variance of the presented perturbation. Input perturbation The fundamental idea behind this method is that the result which is returned by the queries is based on a perturbed data. This means that the primary data in the statistical database is not used to create query results. One side that is necessary to be taken into account is the duplicated database. This database, which is used to turn back to results, must maintain the similar statistical characteristics as the original database. This technique introduces random noise to the confidential information and thus protects the data. Adding statistical noise in the database makes the input perturbation an important method in the enhancement of the privacy. The original database is generally changed into modified or perturbed statistical database which is afterwards accessible to the users. The input perturbation permits the users to access the necessary aggregate statistical information from the whole database when it makes changes to the original data. Therefore this process helps to protect the records [7]. The records of the database contain values that are variations of their adequate values in the true database. As a whole this method tries to minimize the severe bias in the query results by allocating the corresponding bias in the data so that it could cancel out in the huge query sets. In the input perturbation, the data is perturbed for instance via swapping attributes or adding the random noise before this data releases the whole statistical database. There are two well-known subcategories in the input perturbation. The probability distribution interprets the statistical database as a sample from a given data that has a certain probability distribution [1]. The main purpose is to transform the primary statistical database with a different sample which is from the same probability distribution. This input perturbation creates a substitute database from the original one. This method is also called data swapping. The second subcategory is the fixed – data perturbation where the values of the records in the statistical database are perturbed only once and for all the records. Since the perturbation process is done only once, the repeated queries have consistent and logical values. This perturbation also constructs an alternative database as the probability distribution. This alternative database is created by changing the value of every record by a randomly produced perturbation value. The fixed – data perturbation could be applied to both numerical and categorical data. Output perturbation The output perturbation differs notably from the input perturbation. In the input perturbation, the data is specified by all statistical features of the database. As longs as in the output perturbation, the perturbed results are directly introduced to the users [8]. Another difference is that in the output perturbation, the problem with the bias is not as harsh as in the input perturbation. This is because the queries are based on the original values but not on the perturbed ones. The output perturbation method is based on calculation of the queries’ responses on the statistical databases. This method adds the variance to the result. The result is produced on the original database however the noise is added to the result before to return it to the users. As the noise is not added to the database, this method generates results that include less bias that the input perturbation. It is necessary to note that if the noise is random then this noise could be reduced by performing th e same query over and over again. Some limitations exist. For example if there is very large number of queries to the statistical database, the amount of the noise added to the results should be also very large [9]. The output perturbation has pretty low storage and computational overhead [10]. This method is rather easy to carry out because it does not influence the query process. The output perturbation consists of different approaches as random sample queries, varying output perturbation and rounding. The random sample queries technique shows a technique where a sample is created from the query set itself. The random sample queries method denies the intruder accurate control which covers the queries records [11]. One drawback of this method is that it could not ensure enough certainty for users to prevent the confidential data. However, the random sample queries may present precise statistics for number of records. The USA Census Bureau for example mainly works with this technique to restrict the inference in their statistics records. Every reported query is founded upon a gratuitously chosen subpopulation of the query set. The USA Census Bureau is satisfied with this method and applies it very successfully in its activity. The second approach of the output perturbation is the varying – output perturbation [1]. This method is suitable for the SUM, CO UNT and PERCENTILE queries. The varying – output perturbation presents a varying perturbation to the data where random variables are used to calculate the answer to a variant of a given query. The last approach of output perturbation is the rounding where all queries are computed based on unbiased data. Afterwards the results are transformed before they are returned to the users. There are three types of rounding – systematic rounding, random rounding and controlled rounding [1]. It is advisable to combine the rounding method with methods to provide more privacy in the statistical database. 2.3.2 Query restriction method The main idea of this method is even if the user does not want to receive deterministically right answers, these answers should be exact, for example numbers. As these answers to queries give the users forceful information, it might be important to deny the answers of some queries at certain stage to prevent the disclosure of a confidential data from the statistical database. The type or the number of queries that a user puts to the statistical database is restricted. This method discards a query which can be compromised. Nevertheless, the answers in the query restrictions are always precise. It could be concluded that the restricted group of the accepted queries considerably reduces the real usefulness of the statistical database. This method provides a protection for the statistical database by limiting the size of the query set, by controlling the overlap among the consecutive queries, by maintaining audit of any answered queries for every user and by making the small-sized cells inaccessible to users of the statistical database. There are five subcategories of the query restriction method – query set size control, query set overlap control, auditing, partitioning and cell suppression [1]. Query set size control method The query set size based method declines the answers to queries which have an influence on a small set of records. Fellegi [12] sets lower and upper limits for the size of the query answer which are based on the characteristics of the database. If the number of the returned records is not within these two limits, the request for the information could not be accepted and therefore the query answer may be denied. The query set size control method can be explained by the following equation [12]:                                        K ≠¤Ã‚ |C| ≠¤Ã‚ L – K,                                                                 (1) where K is a parameter set by the database administrator, |C| is the size of the query set and L is the number of the entities in the database. The parameter K must satisfy the condition [12]:                                                             0 ≠¤  K ≠¤Ã‚                                                              (2) The main advantage of this method is its easy implementation. However, its robustness is low so it is advisable to use it in a combination with other methods. Query set overlap method The query set overlap method permits only queries which have small overlap with formerly answered queries. Thus, the method controls the overlap over the queries. The lowest overlap control restrains the queries responses which have more than the predetermined number of records in common with every previous query [3]. This surveillance is valuable in the defense against  the trackers as a compromise tool. In spite is all, this method has some drawbacks [13]. This query set overlap control is not enough effective when several users together try to compromise the statistical database. As well as the statistics for both a set and its subset are hard released which limits the efficiency of the database. Auditing The third subcategory of the query restriction method is the auditing. It requires the maintenance of up-to-date logs of all queries which are made by every user. It also requires a continuous check-up for potential disclosure whenever a new query is published. One main advantage of this method is that it permits the statistical database to support the users with unperturbed data and ensure that the response will not be compromised. A disadvantage of the auditing method is its excessive CPU and the requirements for the storage and processing of the collected logs [1]. Partitioning The partitioning method groups the individual entities of a population in a number of reciprocally excessive subsets, known as atomic populations. Therefore, the records are stored in groups which consist of predetermined number of records [4]. A query is permitted only to the entire groups, but not to a subset of a group. The statistical features of these atomic populations form the raw materials which are attainable to the database users. While the atomic populations include exactly one individual entity, a high level of protection can be achieved. A research, taken by Schlà ¶rer, found that there is an emergence of the large number of atomic populations with only one entity. The result of this will be a considerable information loss when these populations are clustered. One major drawback of this method is the retrieved value of the statistical information. When the database is partitioned, the statistical data is toughly obscured. This restricts the flow of potential wanted stat istical information by the users. In reality, the users may not have the chance to acquire the desired information. Cell suppression The cell suppression method is frequently used by the census bureau for information which is published in tabular form. This technique protects the tabular data from a compromise. The main idea is to conceal the cells that can lead to a disclosure of a confidential data. In this way, the cell suppression minimizes the suppressed cells with private information. These cells are called primary suppressions. The other cells with non confidential data, which may be a threat and lead to a disclosure, should also be suppressed. These cells with non private information are called complementary suppressions. These complementary suppressions provide a pre-defined level of protection to the primary cells. 2.3.3 Differential privacy As Dalenims (1977) points out that an access to a statistical database should not be allowed to a user to acquire information about an individual’s record which cannot be found out without the access of the database. This form of privacy is difficult to be achieved because of the auxiliary information. The auxiliary information is information which is available to the adversary without an access to the statistical database [14]. For example, let presume that one’s exact weight is considered as highly sensitive information and revealing this information is regarded as a privacy break. Next, it is assumed that the database provides the average weights of people of different nationalities. An adversary of the statistical database who has an access to the auxiliary information, that a particular British person is 10 kilogram thinner than the average French person, can learn the British person’s weight, as long as anyone gaining only the auxiliary information with out having an access to the average weights, learns not much [15]. This leads to the application of the concept of differential privacy. In spite of the fact that the differential privacy does not exclude a bad disclosure, it ensures the individual that his or her data will not be included in the database that produces it. The differential privacy is defined as one of the successful methods of providing privacy for the statistical databases. The basic description of the differential privacy is that it is focused on providing ways to increase the accuracy of the queries from the statistical database while trying to minimize the chances of recognizing its records. The differential privacy is a randomized algorithm which accepts the database as input and generates an output [15]. A more precise definition of this method is the following formulation: A randomized function K that gives à µ-differential privacy if for the databases D1 and D2, which only differ on at most one element and all S⊆Range (K), Pr [K (D1) ∈ S] ≠¤ exp (à µ) x Pr [K (D2) ∈ S]                             (3) When this function K satisfies the above definition, it can ensure an individual that though this individual removes his or her data from the database, the outputs cannot become indicatively more or less acceptable. The differential privacy strives to guarantee an adjustment to the statistical disclosure control’s problem. The differential privacy aims to publicly let out statistical information relating to a set of individuals without allowing a compromise for privacy. This method demands that there is an inherently the same probability distribution on the produced results. This probability distribution should be independent of whether each individual chooses or not the data set [16]. This process is done indirectly as at the same time it addresses all potential forms of harm and good by concentrating upon the probability of every given output of a privacy method and upon the ways for changes of the probability when any row is added or deleted from the database. The statistical database is usually developed to reach social goals and the expanded participation in the database allows more precise analysis. Therefore, the differential privacy assures the support for the social goals by guaranteeing every individual that there is a quite little risk by connecting to the statistical database. The differential privacy has some advantages. Firstly, this privacy preserving method is independent of any extra and auxiliary information including also other databases which are available to the adversaries. Secondly, the differential privacy is easily implemented through the using of rather sample and general techniques. The last advantage is that the differential privacy usually permits very accurate analysis. 3. Conclusion To conclude, the statistical database provides to users statistical information for values which are based on various criteria. The field of the statistical database is highly important because it encompasses a broad variety of application areas which in principle deal with great amount of data. This statistical database may consist of confidential data which should be protected from unauthorized user access. It is very important to provide a precise statistical database with professional, legal and ethical responsibilities for privacy protection of the individual records. Providing security in the statistical database proves to be a complicated task. There is no single solution to this problem. Therefore, numerous methods and techniques are suggested to be used to ensure privacy in the statistical database. The analysis presented in the report shows that the perturbation methods, the query restriction methods and the differential privacy are clearly among the most promising methods for the private statistical database. References 1.  N. Adam and J. Wortmann, Security – control Methods for Statistical Databases: A comprehensive Study. ACM Computing Surveys. 21 (1989). 2.  I. Dinur and K Nissim, Revealing Information while Preserving Privacy – In proceeding of twenty-second. ACM SIGMOD – SIGACT-SIGART Symposium on Principle of Database Systems. (2003) p. 202-210. 3. A. Shoshani, OLAP and Statistical Databases: Similarities and Differences. (1997) p. 187 4.  C. Guynes, Protecting Statistical Databases: A matter of privacy. Computer and Society. 19 (1989). 5.  Z. Michalewicz, J-J Li and K-W Chen, A Genetic Approach for Statistical Database Security.13 (1990) p. 19 6. C. Dwork, F. McSherry, Calibrating Noise to Sensitivity in Private Data Analysis. Springer. 3876 (2006). 7. R. Wilson and P. Rosen, Protecting Data through Perturbation Techniques: The impact on knowledge discovery in database. Journal of Management. 14 (2003) p.13. 8. T. Wang and L. Liu, Output Privacy in Data Mining. ACM Transactions Database Systems. 36 (2011) p.11 9. S. Chawla, C. Dwork et al, Toward Privacy in Public Databases. Theory of Cryptography Conference. (2005). 10.  J. Schatz, Survey of Techniques for Securing Statistical Database. University of California at Davis 11. D. Denning, Secure Statistical Databases with Random Sample Queries. ACM Transactions on Database Systems. 5 (1980) p. 292 12.  I. Fellegi, On the question of statistical confidentiality. Journal of American Statistical Association. 67 (1972), 7-18. 13. D. Dobkin, A. Jones and R. Lipton, Secure Databases: Protection Against User Influence. ACM Transactions on Database Systems. 4 (1979). 14.  C. Dwork, Differential Privacy. 33rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, part II (ICALP). Springer Verlang. (2006). 15.  C. Dwork, Ask a better question, get a better answer – a new approach to private data analysis. 11th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT ). Springer Verlang (2007). 16.  C. Dwork, Differential privacy in New Settings. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. (2010).
Friday, November 22, 2019
Watching TV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Watching TV - Essay Example For that reason, it keeps people more aware of their surroundings making people smarter when it comes to solving societal issues. Therefore, in my opinion TV makes people to be intelligent. This argument is in agreement with Steven Johnson essay†watching T.V makes you smarter.†The choice of material that people choose to watch on television is what matter in relation to the intelligence it is going to add on that person. For example, shows like Simpson have an entertaining aspect while at the same time has quality of morals and knowledge that it shares with it viewers. For that reason, most people who spend their time watching the Simpson get to grasp knowledge what the show is trying to bring out (Johnson 170). Furthermore, the shows targets the average American so promoting the life of a middleclass American. By so doing, it encourages individuals who watch the show because they know that there is a person who understands what they are facing each day, hence adding and intellectual advantage. Moreover, television has its advantages when it comes to the group of people it wants to target. The television shows that are aired have an age bracket meaning that the content that is aired for children adds some intellectual value. For example, tellytubbies and other cartoons act as a good method to measure the children intellectual capability to establish whether they understand the content. Thus, although the content is entertaining it also grabs the attention of the children meaning that at the end of the show they will have achieved something. Furthermore, television acts as an intellectual advantage because it promotes many possibilities such as higher learning, as well as, providing entertainment (Johnson 175). For example, when watching a documentary a person get to understand many thing and by seeing the visual pictures on the documentary makes them more alert; hence, acting as a great source of gathering
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Echo Planar Imaging, or EPI, Fast Imaging Techniques (MRI) Essay - 1
Echo Planar Imaging, or EPI, Fast Imaging Techniques (MRI) - Essay Example Different results have been found from different body areas which have varying magnetic field strengths thus such body areas end up having varying processional water frequencies. Blood has been observed to have the highest susceptibility as it has iron contents as one of its components. Compositions based on water also have high susceptibility in comparison with air (McRobbie 2007) (a) List the parameters that could be changed to optimize the EPI image in this case, plus how you would change the parameter (i.e. increase or decrease). (2 marks) Slew rate and the receiver bandwidth Each of the listed parameters has a different way of changing it. For example, the case of slew rate increment, an overall reduction in echo spacing as well as reduction in geometric distortion is required for it to be altered. For receiver bandwidth to be increased, an overall reduction in echo spacing, signal to noise ratio and geometric distortion need to be lowered (Van Der Zwaag, at el. 2012, p. 129) In a normal scenario, MR equipments take their time until the trapezoid gradient gets to the flat top. When this time comes, the data points will then be sampled by the MR equipments in the direction of the frequency. This implies that no data acquisition takes place during the rise time. The rise time refers to the time when the gradient is not yet at its minimum or maximum amplitude. However, by employing ramp sampling method, the data points witnessed during the readout gradient switching can be acquired during the rise time. a) Two different features can be used while employing ramp sampling, and they include; 1. Having the geometric distortion minimized; ramp sampling can be used to reduce the flat top while at the same time keeping the Nx constant. This implies that the echo spacing can be decreased consequently minimizing geometric distortion. 2. Increasing resolution; by keeping the flat top at the same level, more Nx data points can be fitted during readout and thus increasin g the overall resolution. b). Using Conjugate Synthesis; Conjugate synthesis is a symmetry property which means that only half of the raw data spaces in the whole MR can be acquired to come up with a Mr image that is complete. The most desirable means to achieving high resolution during a single shot EPI experiments is through having the readout duration on the ky to be as long as possible so as to have only the negative and positive kx values. c). Slew rate enhancement d). Echo train length reduction e) Making use of shimming to minimize distortion d). Employing parallel imaging to minimize echo spacing f) . Making use of Multi shot EPI so as to ensure that there are no cases of phase errors building up. g). Through increasing the TE which will in turn increase the transverse magnetization hence larger T2* and T2 (b) Discuss the chain of consequences if you optimize the image by increasing the receiver bandwidth. (4 marks) Receiver bandwidth generally describes how fast an MR signa l can be digitized. In cases where the receiver bandwidth is generally higher, there is a corresponding faster digitization of the produced image. This is because the aspect of receiver bandwidth is inversely proportional to the time taken during the imaging process. The receiver bandwi
Monday, November 18, 2019
European union Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
European union - Essay Example In addition to this, public law involving the commerce in European Union has fundamental significance:2 i. Most of the laws governing ECJ commercial circles whether directly or indirectly, are grounded on the European Union Laws ii. The framework which governs private businesses is widely derived from the rules that were established in 1957: that is, The Rome Treaty iii. Most of the sections of the regimes ruling and providing guidance and direction are either prescribed to European Union Regulations or largely affected by the â€Å"sectoral†agreements reached upon by the states in agreement. The reference of the aforementioned views are made to the C-213/89 Factortame (No1) [1990] ECR I-2433 Case 11/70: a case that involve the controversy in the fishing policy that were change in British. The fishing policy which started iin early 1970s was intended to make fishing within the EU member state of more economicvalue by giving people the liberty to access water freely in within the member states. The common fisheries policy of the European Union also was providing funds to make fishing modernized to meet the market demands. Becase of the increasing demands for fishing in the member states, the EU came up with another agreement in1980 with Spain on to allowance of the fishing agreement which defined to level of fishing grounds and the access points of fishing in the British grounds. As time advanced, the British felt a little uncormfortable with the magnitude of fishing that was taking place in their waters. Fishermen from Spain and elsewhere in the European Union started taking advantage of the fishing vessels that they had to penetrate the UK waters. This led the British to enacting various laws to curb this situation. The British law wanted that the only people who could fish on their water were to be those who were qualified: of which those who were qualified were the British citizen and a company registered in Britain whose 75% members were Brish citiz ens. This move sparked the heat of debate that led the major owners of the fishing vessels from Spain to seek the redress of the law. The people who were affected most were the Factortame from Spain. Their vessels could not meet the conditions that were set by the British newly established laws. The first aurgument advanced by the Factortame was that the British act of 1988 was offensive and could not be applicable to them. They made their reference to the EU law and the Treaty of Rome article 7 which scheduled that one ought not to be discriminated against on the grounds of race, gender and the nationality. According to the EU laws, they had the right to establish themselves in business anywhere and their company could be operative and situated in a nother member country. In general, the approach given to the ECJ to the administration of law, putting up a common honor and alignment to the framework of observance to the general rule of the community law, include values of the intern ational law and guarding the basic rights, is now more to the knowledge of the EU judges. The influence of human rights has made the standard approach in the judicial to grow very rapidly. Upon the investigation and consideration of the structure of the constitution of the European Union, and the numerous changes that have occurred in is so far, its basic structure can be categorized under three broad and general positions3. The
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Media Essays Media Violence Society
Media Essays Media Violence Society Media Violence Society Media violence has been one of our biggest problems in our community. Violence comes from every age, from a child to an adult. Violence has increased every year because people do not understand how important our life is and do not take it serious. Media violence occurs when people do not have common sense and do not take responsibility. There are couple cases that think that media violence causes society violence, and two against it. Most cases of media violence come from movies, games, and the influence people have on others, all of which have shown someone or something crucifying anything in its path. Those are some ideas about media violence throughout our society. There are two people whose lives were only about killing; it was as if it was in their nature. Stone’s most controversial film, â€Å"Natural Born Killers†was mimicked by murderers Ben Darras, and Sarah Edmondson. Darras and Edmondson have killed over fifty two people and, in the course of their actions have become media celebrities. Both of them have a history in their life that is unforgettable. The public made this inconclusive accusation despite the troubled past of both of the offenders. Oliver Stones said â€Å"Ben and Sarah are deeply disturbed youths with histories of drug and/or alcohol abuse and psychiatric treatment. Ben’s alcoholic father divorced his mother twice, and then committed suicide. Sarah carried a gun because she feared that Ben would attack her†. Obviously, there were many factors inducing their criminal behavior further more complicated than just watching a movie and doing what you have just seen. Many cases like this one have bee n pointing fingers at movies for the actions of disturbed youths, doing so is a ridiculous attempt to find a quick answer to an excessively complicated matter. Michael Zimecki believes that â€Å"ideas have consequences†and that is why the ideas expressed in a movie have a negative effect on society. To support his opinion he uses several examples of crimes that have been committed in the past and are similar to movie scenes. For example in 1993 a 9 year old girl was raped with a bottle at the beach by a group of juveniles, this incident was believed to be induced by the movie â€Å"Born Innocent†where a plunger was used to rape a victim. A boy from Pennsylvania died from imitating a movie called, â€Å"The Program†. He died in the center lane of a highway where he got ran over by a car. Michael Zimecki also uses a different approach to support his theory, he compares movies to pollution. He states â€Å"a polluter should not be allowed to escape responsibility for his actions simply because environmentally induced cancers are late-developing. Violence too, can fester for years†. Zimecki believes that societal violence is displayed excessively and needs to come to an end he asserts â€Å"the hour has come at last, and the rough beast that the poet William Butler warned about is already born†. Some kids think that it is â€Å"cool†to do what happens in the movies, but sometimes what happens in the movies is not safe. Movies can change people’s behavior and personality. Violent movies promote the minds of young kids who do not know what they are doing, but they get hurt in the process of poisoning their minds. Rated â€Å"R†movies that show killing and blood are the movies that kids are not suppose to see, but those kids that do are the ones that change because they think that it is â€Å"cool†to kill people, so they try it. Killing has lead to family separation, rising of violence with in the family, and in the society. That is what happens when these children try to do what they see without knowing if it is possible in real life. Gregg Easterbrook has been working for the New Republic for the past four years and has written magazines of beliefs and values. Easterbrook states that â€Å"movie and television violence has a serious effect on childrens propensity to behave violently later in life†. This theory has been question for years and it still is, but still many people have found connections between media violence and societal violence. At the age of nineteen is when the mind of children has developed enough to know that violence is never the answer and that all kids are doing is hurting them selves. Many kids below the age of nineteen may think that is normal to act in a violent way and becoming juvenile prisoners. There are many movies that people have seen that show a very high amount of violent and blood like the movie â€Å"Scream†. This movie starts by a teen girl watching her boyfriend getting punished. Thought out the whole movie students get hung, tortured and cut to death. Movies li ke this can encourage children to do the same thing since they find what they see very amusing. Many people have died from others mimicking what they have seen in the movies and have been killed or sent to jail for a very long time and won’t be coming out any soon. Maggie Cutler has seen media violence and has ideas of what has happened through out the years. Cutler said, â€Å"Media violence is a risk factor that, working with others, can acerbate bad behavior†. She affirms with the idea of aggressive and brutal matters that have multiplied within the United States. Crime rates of juveniles have decreased about thirty percent in the United States. The media has been reducing the principles for accepting profanity. Further more, Cutler points out that â€Å"given the overall juvenile crime count in 1997 the report implied, some 250 murders and 12,100 other violent crimes would not have been committed if it were not for the likes of Batman Beyond†. She comments that on August of 1999 a Senator reported that â€Å"television alone is responsible for 10 percent of youth violence†. Cutler believes that this subject is too complex to study conclusively. There are some facts and ideas of what our nation has turned into with in th e years. Scott Barbour strongly believes that media violence does not cause societal violence in teens. He supports his idea by stating that laboratory tests cannot be generalized to the real world. Barbour believes the teenagers’ results may be influenced by the adult researchers, he quotes Durkin associate of psychology â€Å"Even quite young children are good at working out what adults want them to do, or will let them get away with.†Another testing method he implies is invalid is correlation studies. Barbour suggests that the results cannot be taken into serious consideration because â€Å"it could just as reasonably be argued that viewing violent television programs is caused by the child’s preexisting tendency to be aggressive†. He also quotes Jonathan Freedman psychology professor at The University of Toronto when comparing boys’ tendencies to girls’ tendencies in relation to personality characteristics. Boys watch and play football more than girls do, and it is not because television influences them to, it is because of personality characteristics. Barbour believes that a child’s violent personality is induced by bad parenting. Stuart Fischoff is a professor of psychology at California State University, Los Angeles. Fischoff has studied media violence and real-world violence and cannot find a connection between them. Nothing states that media violence causes societal violence. He believes that anyone who studies media violence can have a thought of what people may do in the real world; it is not proven that everyone will do it. It is up to how people think, how they can take certain things, and if their common sense can change their life in a good way or ruin it by doing the wrong. Many people that are against media violence think that â€Å"The plethoric effluence of screen violence, murder and mayhem is an undisputed menace to society†. That is what the opposing side has to say against what many people think about media violence. In Conclusion, media violence has taken place since the day we were born, but it has grown by the years mostly because of the messages sent out to the public. Movies reach people who do not know what their purpose in life is, so they go do the first thing they like or see. It starts off by imitating a movie people enjoy, then killing people who have done nothing to you. It can also be that you have an immature mind that has not grown into what would let you realize common sense. People have observed and realized that our humanity has been taken over by what most people would find most entertaining but deadly to perform at the same time. Some people may think that media violence is not connected to societal violence because they have the proof that we have. That is why people think media violence has been one of our biggest tribulations in the world. Works Cited OConnor, Tom: Environmental Factors Contribute to Juvenile Crime and Violence. Juvenile Crime. Auriana Ojeda, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints ® Series. Greenhaven Press 2002. Cutler, Maggie: Research on the Effects of Media Violence on Children Is Inconclusive. Is Media Violence a Problem? James D. Torr, Ed. At Issue Series. Greenhaven Press 2002 Fischoff, Stuart: â€Å"No link between media violence and youth violence has been established†, Opposing viewpoints: Media violence. Ed. Louis and Gerdes, San Diego: Greenhaven press 2002 Zimecki, Michael: â€Å"Violent Films cry a fire†in Crowded Theaters. From Patters for college writing (9th Ed.) Laurie Kiszner and Stephen Madell. Bedford/St. Martins Boston 2004. Page 612 Stone, Oliver: Memo to John Grisham: What’s next -â€Å"A movie made me do it†? From Patterns for college Writing (9th Ed.) Laurie Kiszner and Stephen Madell. Bedford/St. Martins Boston 2004. Page 607 Easterbrook, Gregg: â€Å"Media Violence Makes People More Violent†. At Issue: Is Media Violence a Problem? Ed. James D. Torr. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2002
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Limits of Narrative in in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay
The Limits of Narrative in Heart of Darkness  Early English novelists depicted a very general reality; that is, what many observed to be "real" is what found its way into the narratives. For example, several novels of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries emphasize, or entirely revolve around, the idea of social status. Samuel Richardson's Pamela addresses a servant's dilemma between her morals and low social position; the hero of Henry Fielding's Tom Jones must also confront his "low birth." Jane Austen famously portrayed class struggles in nearly every one of her novels. These texts all represented the world at its face; the actions of the characters spoke for their "reality," and the narrator was simply the descriptor of these events. The novels conformed to a very narrow world-view, limited by popular thought. True, there was much to explore within this confinement, as shown by the range of commentary in the texts. Still, as stories they could only offer what society observed: a kind of reality by consensus. As Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness demonstrates, modernism rejected the aims and methods of realism, and claimed the inner self represented the real more closely than the public world. Furthermore, realism appeared to represent the world wholly and concisely. Conrad's novel rejects this, and instead exposes the failure of language to describe a complete reality. In Heart of Darkness, Marlow himself is incomplete, and so is his narrative. He is forced into imprecise language, resigned to using negative modifiers and repeating inexact words. He struggles to tell his story satisfactorily, and by his own admission, his telling is deficient. The limitation of language, then, becomes the focus of t... ...e rejection of nineteenth century realism. Since Marlow the storyteller is flawed, his story falters as a result. The novel effectively reduces each to their flaws, but does not attempt to hide its limitations behind a manufactured authority. It is this absence, or seeming absence, of controlled writing that brings Heart of Darkness closer to "the real" than any authoritative work of realism.  Works Cited Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. 1902. New York: Dover, 1990. Erdinast-Vulcan, Daphna. The Strange Short Fiction of Joseph Conrad. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. 78-108. Greaney, Michael. Conrad, Language, and Narrative. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. 57-76. Hawthorn, Jeremy. Studying the Novel. 4th ed. London: Arnold, 2001. 60-61 Leavis, F.R. The Great Tradition. New York: Stewart, 1950. 173-82.       Â
Monday, November 11, 2019
Why Rhode Island Was the Most Democratic Colony
â€Å"American†Essay The original thirteen colonies, from groundbreaking Virginia, first settled in 1612, to the bountiful Carolinas originating in the year of 1670. In 1636, twenty four years after the formation of Virginia, the revolutionary Rhode Island came to be. Though settled three-hundred and seventy-six years ago, Rhode Island at that time, still holds similarities to what it means to be â€Å"American†today. America is synonymous with freedom, tolerance of those different, equality, and democracy.Rhode Island can be considered the most American of all thirteen original colonies, because it supported separatist government, practiced religious tolerance, and had a democracy from the start. Rhode Island may never have came to be, if not for Roger Williams. After being exiled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony, for endorsement of a separatist movement, It was he who relocated to present day Rhode Island. At that time, Massachusetts, was a colony ruled by Puritans . These people were anti-separatists, which means that they did not believe in the separation of church and state.Any resident living in Massachusetts, regardless of Religious affiliation was required to pay taxes to the puritan church. The churches only problem was not the requirement of taxes, but also their efforts to control other aspects of the colonist’s lives. Massachusetts had a certain kind of feel to it, and the Puritans wanted to assure that it stay that way. Puritans felt threatened by any kind of act that did not fit perfectly with their view of what life should be like in their colony. For example, If two people were found to be showing any type of affection towards each other in public, they were fined.Puritans were against the practice of ceremonies, or any type of event containing music. They believed that music was an expression not pure enough for their way of life. Puritans refused to celebrate various holidays, such as Christmas. They also would not allow certain staples of religious practice to be involved in their worship. Candles, or religious images were not permitted in church service. Many forms of entertainment were not allowed in Puritan villages. Gambling or other games of chance were outlawed. Plays of any genre were not allowed.Laughing in public was forbidden, because it suggested that devilish or demonic spirits inhabited you. The Puritans worked to control every aspect of a persons life. Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island, would have none of it. From the start Williams allowed Rhode Islander’s many freedoms, as well as creating a separatist government, in some ways, the first of its kind. Williams did not require citizens to attend church, and did not let laws interfere with a someone’s personal life. He believed that it was not the churches/governments right to control such things.Though the people of Rhode island did pay taxes, these taxes went to the government, not a state church. The lack of the se laws can be considered very â€Å"American†by modern standards. When looking at the country now, one can see that there is an absence of laws restricting Humans actions and rights, aside from cruel and unjust acts. Each individual has freedom of speech, and is allowed to express their ideas openly. The US does not outlaw many types of entertainment, music, holidays, or public displays of humor or affection. Rhode Island shares this in common with the present day US.The same cannot be said of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Rhode Island was one of only four colonies whose government did not have an official religion. The Carolina’s, Maryland, New York, and Virginia all supported the Anglican church, While Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Hampshire all chose to support the congregational church. This proves that Rhode Island was uniquely and unconscionably â€Å"American†for its time. Rhode Island can again be considered â€Å"American†because of itâ €™s practice of complete religious tolerance, this was unheard of in most other colonies in these times.Williams allowed anyone, regardless of religious affiliation to reside in the state. Jews, persecuted by almost every other colony at the time, as well as Catholics were allowed to live in the boundaries of Rhode Island, and not fear punishment or persecution. Even the endlessly persecuted Quakers were allowed in Rhode Island. Quaker views were vastly different than that of leader Roger Williams, but he believed that they should not be persecuted for this difference in opinion. When looking at the views of other colonies, one can see that they did no share the same ideals. Maryland claimed to be religiously tolerant.Created as a refuge for Catholics, one would assume that a place such as this would be tolerant of other religions, the Act of Toleration was passed in 1649, but was not as welcoming as it sounded. While giving freedom to Christians, it also stated the right to per secute all Jews, or atheists with no religious affiliation. Massachusetts was wildly intolerant of not Christians, torturing and killing the Quakers, whom later fled to Rhode Island. All colonies supporting the Anglican church practiced religious tolerance to their fellow protestants, and in some cases even Catholics, but none would accept those who denied the divinity of Jesus.Congregational colonies were even more strict in their tolerance of other religions. Aside from religion, Rhode Island was also tolerant of people that for other reason would not be welcome elsewhere. Those like Williams who had angered the leaders of their previous residence were welcomed there. Anne Hutchinson, whom was also exiled from the Bay Colony is a famous resident of Rhode Island. Her Ideals were far from that or Williams, but still she was welcomed in his colony. Both rich and poor could find a home in Rhode island.It was unlike the sprawling plantations of South Carolina, or Virginia where the poo r were exiled from being â€Å"squatters†on the land, or the large and powerful elites of aristocratic New York, controlling not just the government and economy, but the land as well. Rhode islands practice of tolerance, not only pertaining to religion, but also to the differing of ideals and economic status, again shows that Rhode Island is the most â€Å"American†of the thirteen colonies. A third reason that Rhode Island can be considered the most â€Å"American†colony was it’s voting system.Rhode Island gave all men, who owned property and payed taxes on said property the right to vote. Regardless of Religion, a man had this right. This was unheard of in many colonies at the time. Anglican colonies such as South Carolina and Georgia, also allowed man holding men to vote, but only if they were of protestant religion. Some colonies were even more strict with their voting rights. In the Massachusetts Bay Colony the government could not even be consider ed a democracy. The Freemen held the right to elect the governor annually as well as his cabinet.The freemen however, were few and far between. Only puritans could be freemen, and they were not even eligible until they were declared â€Å"visible saints†. This is when, at church, god inhabits a person, which causes him to convulse, or perhaps speak in tongues. Because of this rule, only few men were eligible to vote in elections. Rhode Islands suffrage law, allowed a vast number of citizens to vote, which in turn made Rhode Island on of the most democratic of the colonies at the time. This again proves that Rhode Island was the most â€Å"American†of the Thirteen colonies.There are those that do not believe Rhode Island was the most â€Å"American†colony of our forefathers. Some may say that the most â€Å"American†colony was in fact Georgia. Evidence supports that this was not the case. Though Georgia supported separatist government, and did not affil iate with any one religion, they did however persecute certain religious groups. Catholics. The Jewish, and Atheists were discriminated against and persecuted in Georgia, because of this, these people did not have the right to vote in any election, only practicing protestants could participate in elections.These shortcomings of the Georgia colony disqualify it from being a truly â€Å"American†colony. Rhode Island can easily be considered the most â€Å"American†colony for many reasons. Rhode Island participated in separatist government, practiced religious toleration towards all religions, and promoted suffrage for a large amount of people at the time. When someone is asked to describe America in three words, one is willing to bet that those three words would be freedom, tolerance, and equality. Rhode island had the right idea hundreds of years ago, and our country has been influenced by these simple ideas ever since.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Describe the marriage of Paulina and Gerardo
Gerard asserts his eminence in his relationship with Pauline; he believes his persuasive words will always have its desired effect on Paling's actions. ‘Of course I'm going to listen to you. Haven't I always listened to you? And he is surprised when she doesn't listen. ‘You believe too much in your own powers of persuasion'. He is very manipulative, such as in the beginning of the play in which he is unsatisfied with the response he received, he continues to convince Pauline until he gets the answer he wanted, also going behind her back.He acted as though he genuinely cared about her opinion in the matter of his position on he committee when in reality, he had already accepted. Yes. Told him I'd do it. Yes. Before asking you. ‘. He also appears to be a lair and doesn't seem to understand women as well as he likes. Pauline is a suspicious wife, knowing that Gerard did it once, he could very well do it again and with that, she insinuates his infidelity numerous times before outright managing to get him to confess to it.Though despite that, they are still married and do love each other, her going as far as protecting Gerard while she was being tortured but not saying anything about him. They make sacrifices for each other as ell. How does the play. Inherit use details of the setting and atmosphere to illustrate the mood of the play? They are in a small beach house with a balcony and are able to hear the ocean. It also sounds secluded which isolates the scene. They use moonlight to light some specific part of the scene which omits everything else and has us focusing on one particular part which might bring a mood.The atmosphere shifts constantly with Pauline sort of falling in and out of sanity creating a particularly dramatic mood to the play, pulling you to keep reading to figure out what she does next. When Reboot's atmosphere shows a sort of irritants and confusion it has you wondering whether he really is innocent. The last scene too, with th e mirror having it reflect back at you leaves you to really take a good look at yourself and have you think hard about the events of the play having you fill out the gaps in which the author left ambiguous.Assess Paling's actions. Why does she react precisely in the way that she does? Paling's actions were premeditated and brave bordering on the edge Of crazy. She has been deeply traumatized by her past which leads to her paranoia and personal vendetta that she has laced upon Roberto. Pauline acts precisely in the way that she does because for fifteen years she has been haunted by her rape and torture which leaves her in an unstable state of mind which had finally cotton the best of her when the man she claims to be one of her captors show up on her doorstep.What would be Justice Pauline? Feel that for Pauline to find her justice would be for the people who have traumatized her to admit what they have done and be punished for it. Her idea to first retaliate in the same fashion (to r ape him with a broomstick and torture him) would not make her forgive him. It would satisfy her for the time being but not fully. For her to have justice would be to have the torturers confess in a hand written confession. Her new idea to have the letter written seems to satisfy her in a way that she would feel justice.The written letter is also a good idea to convince herself that she is correct in the way that Roberto is actually the Doctor who assisted in her torture. I also believe by her taking the law into her own hands, she has been able to gather the kind of answers only she could be searching for. What problems does an author face in dramatist's torture? How does Doorman achieve this? When traumatizing torture, the problem quite possibly the rate at which you reveal it.Doorman achieved the perfect amount of torture by hinting bits and pieces to get you thinking and then finally reeling us in with the entire story and his ability to constantly shift the balance of sympathy b etween the oppressed and the oppressor. What role do sexuality and sexual/gender roles play in the drama? There are a multitude of examples that suggest sexist views from the male characters. Both Gerard and Miranda speak of women as confusing pieces that are completely inhuman and act as though it is a shared knowledge between them.Gerard appears to have a dominant role over Pauline, acting manipulative toward her and believing he has a higher power over her. Many times he is heard stating that Pauline would make the meal expecting that she will do it because he knows she will. ‘Not another word. Pauline will be delighted. You'll see the breakfast she'll make for us. ‘ In this example he also assumes that Pauline will automatically be delighted with a random guest despite how she acts when an unfamiliar car turns up at her souse. ‘Of the two things you never share, my friend, one is your toothbrush. What is the significance of the setting for this play? Ariel Door man carefully explains in his stage directions that Death and the Maiden is set in â€Å"a country that is probably Chile but could be any country that has given itself a democratic government just after a long period of dictatorship†which helps us to understand what exactly the significance is of Greaser's position on the commission appointed to investigate the crimes committed under the regime. It plays one of the most important aspects to he characters conflict between justice and the love for his wife who decides to take the law into her own hands.It emphasizes what kind Of negative control a dictatorship has and the effects of it. Why does Pauline lock the door? Is it to keep Gerard safe or to keep him away? Act 1, Scene 3 It's the middle of the night and Pauline is written doing something suspicious. She is seen going into her living room and pulling out her gun and her stockings. She then goes to Reboot's room, listening, and then goes in. A confused muffled cry is he ard then silence. Pauline goes back to her own mom and locks the door.She then goes back onto Reboot's room and pulls out what suspiciously looks like a body before wing it to a chair. We learn that the body is indeed Reboot's. She collects all of Reboot's belongings and goes to leave the house, but not before taking off her underwear and gagging Roberto. She leaves the house in Reboot's car and leaving Gerard locked in his room and Roberto tied to a chair. Act 1, Scene 4 It's early in the morning and Roberto is tied to a chair and gagged only just waking up to find Pauline sitting in front of him with a gun. He is confused.Seeing that he is awake, Pauline greets him kindly, as though he weren't tied to a chair and gagged, she proceeds to converse with him almost normally. She begins her monologue moving from one topic to another. A friend Roberto might be related to, her early career as a student to become a doctor and asking him his preference for sandwiches. We begin to see she c ould possibly have some mental problems. He unlocks her bedroom door. She also turns on Death and the Maiden from the cassette she stole from Reboot's car gushing about how much she loved it and now how it haunts her.Gerard wakes up shocked, and goes to untie Roberto Miranda, but Pauline, convinced Miranda is one of her captors tells Gerard so. He seems UN entirely convinced and tells her she is sick which she denies. He tries to convince Pauline to let R. Miranda go but she is entirely convinced. And due to her assuredness, she tells Gerard her plan to put him on trial, like he would do if he was on the commission. Act 2, scene 1 Gerard has left to fetch his car, Roberto is still tied and Pauline has her back to him, and begins to relay of the horrors she suffered in the doctor's â€Å"care. †She had estranged herself from her parents, so when she was released, she had very few choices of where to go. Roberto makes a movement as if he wants to speak, but she makes him wait, thinking he's hungry, and imitates the doctor's voice for a moment. She then explains why he wouldn't have known about Gerard and made the connection to her. She had not mentioned Gerard in all the time that she was being tortured, but his house is where she went as soon as she was released. Gerard then returns to the house, and Pauline enquires how it went and whether the flat was fixed. He doesn't answer.
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