Saturday, January 25, 2020
A Critical Analysis of The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
A Critical Analysis of The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman 'The Yellow Wallpaper' written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a riveting story of a dejected woman locked away as if she were insane. Her passion is to write and by doing so we are able to follow her on a journey in which she is victimized by those closest to her. The significance of the story is tremendous as it delves into the underlying issues of 'a woman's place' and feminism in the 19th century. The story not only gave an insight into the public perception of mental illness but it later caused a famous psychiatrist, Silas Weir Mitchell to alter his treatment of neurasthema. As the story begins, the woman-whose name we never learn-tells of her depression and how it is dismissed by her husband and brother who are both medical practitioners. "You see, he does not believe I am sick! And what can one do?" We are able to see that the narrator has maintained the traditional patriarchal feelings, as many women and men did in 19th century, where women are discouraged from venturing out of their 'given sphere', due to the political makeup of the era. It becomes apparent that her mind was alluding to this point by the way she speaks about her husband, "John laughs at me, of course, but one expects that." The structure of this sentence highlights the male laughing and the woman acquiescing, showed by the short sentence and the full stop - silencing any of her thoughts and opinions. An example of the dominant submissive relationship between them. He treats her as if she was a child and he was the controlling, domineering, yet loving parent. "What is it, little girl?' h... ...d self-analysis, and was symptomatic of the degeneration rife in society. This illustrates the protagonists warped head state as although yellow is associated with negativity, she craves it. This is portrayed when the protagonist claims that everything outside is 'green instead of yellow'. Her mind is so twisted that she feels everything outside of her 'sphere' is evil. The ending of the story is open to a variety of different interpretations. She feels victorious for escaping from her husbands grasp however in reality she is now trapped within herself. We feel that she may commit suicide due to her frustration, however the situation was reversed, and I was given the impression that she may have tried to murder her husband, in an attempt to free herself. However what ultimately happens we are never able to learn.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Organizational Performance Management Paper and Table
Medical facilities are forced into a position of working together for the sake of the patient. Nursing homes, doctor’s offices, rehabilitation centers, hospitals, and hospice centers all must communicate with each other in order to provide the best care possible. Due to advances in technology, these individual entities can communicate easier with each other than ever before. Email communications, video/telephone communications make acquiring important information less time consuming and exceptionally easy for anyone involved. These new technologies also make it easier for supervisors and subordinates to communicate information to each other, even when they happen to be in different locations. â€Å"When two individuals coordinate their actions within a predefined hierarchyâ€â€such as when supervisors communicate with subordinatesâ€â€their interactions are an observable manifestation of organization-in-action. †(Bidel, Messersmith & Kelley, 2012). One of the most important aspects of attempting a staff buy-in to any change in policy or procedure is to make the staff feel as though they had a hand in deciding how to implement the new policy or procedure changes. Staff members like to feel that their voice and opinion matters in the decision making process where they work. Staff members feel this way because any policy changes or procedural changes are changes that will directly affect their everyday work habits and life. It is important for a facility to do everything they can to follow all regulatory statutes that are required of the business, but it is more important to have a staff that is willing to do all they can to help your business reduce any potential risks that could arise. Training the staff accordingly to follow the proper procedural directives in accordance with state/federal regulations will ensure that the facility is reducing as much of their risk as possible. It is also important to schedule points during the year for additional training for changes that are occasionally made to regulations within the accreditation process. If a medical facility does not stay on top of changing regulations they can find themselves in a bad position both legally and financially. Medical facilities can be put in position to lose their license to practice, be fined into closure, and depending on the level of the violation staff members could be risking jail time for not following regulations precisely. There is nothing more important in a medical facility than patient safety and being compliant of regulations and following regulations contributes to patient safety. Long-Term Acute Care Hospitals are health care organizations that provide post-acute care and services to patients who are discharged from acute care hospitals, but need a longer stay to get well. Patients admitted to LTACH’s are not well enough to be discharged home or to an Assisted Living Facility, where caregivers provide assistance for gainful living. Upon discharged from LTACH’s some patients in need of extensive rehabilitation were referred to Acute Care Rehabilitation Facilities for further care before the patient is discharged home. Terminally ill patients in need of palliative services, upon permission were discharged from Long-Term Acute Care Hospitals and were admitted to hospices for further end-of-life care (Jones, 2012). Each health care organization and assisted living facility are accredited and regulated by the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Service. They are also subjected to Joint Commission accreditation and standards to obtain and maintain accredited authority through the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services, which operates under the jurisdiction of the Department of Health and Human Services. Healthcare organizations operating under state regulators may differ in Joint Commission standards (CMS, 2012). The Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Joint Commission establishes grounds and conditions for participation, and interprets guidelines for compliance. It is noted that Joint Commission’s hospital accreditation program were subjected to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requirements for organizations seeking accrediting authority. The Joint Commission (JC) also provides CMS with surveys and reports for healthcare organizations requiring and requesting accreditation and seeking to participate in, and receive payment from Medicare and Medicaid programs. Healthcare organization must become certified and comply with the Conditions of Participation (COP) or federal standards (CMS, 2012). Certifications were based on surveys conducted by state agencies on the behalf of the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). On the other hand, Joint Commission (JC) as a national accrediting organization can evaluate, and classify healthcare organizations as possessing standards that meet the criteria of federal Condition of Participation; therefore CMS may grant that particular accredited healthcare organization â€Å"deemed status,†which are not subjected to surveys conducted by Medicare. Deemed status options are available for hospices, home health agencies, assisted living facilities, hospitals, and other health care service providers (CMS, 2012). Risk and quality management compliments each other and are two important components in organizational structuring, maintenance, and securing the sustainability of health care organizations. They are among the most highly regulated sectors of commerce, especially because administrative liabilities and criminal sanctions could be imposed against health care organizations. Compliances to regulations and the developing risk and quality management systems, contributes to the each of these organization’s entire performance-management system. Effective management improves the healthcare provider’s ability to provide quality care. It promotes better patient, reduces errors, and reduces the likelihood of unexpected events (Lee, 2011). The overall performance management systems improve quality services, ensure better resource planning for effective utilization and ensure that the organization is in compliance with governing regulations that could affect licensing. Effective management also provides assurance to stakeholders that the healthcare organization is meeting expectations, which includes integrating risk and quality management systems that produce the right outcomes for continuance quality improvement and secure the organizations ability to serve public by providing quality care (Phoenix, 2011). Risk and quality management programs utilizes a performance management system to identify risk ,waste, identify federal standard, regulation, setting goals, requirements for accreditation, assigning accountability, monitoring performance and making adjustments as necessary. Evaluating progress, providing feedback and communicate results are among the many activities that comprise a performance management system. As you conduct your research, remember the broad efinition of a performance-management system: a comprehensive system used by an organization to ensure that the organization achieves its goals and improves its performance. A performance-management system is the overarching system that encompasses both risk management and quality management. Determine how compliance with the regulations and development of risk- and quality-management systems for each type of organization contribute to the organization’s overall performance-management system.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Motivation And Theory Of Motivation - 1464 Words
It is suggested by psychologists that motivation can be understood as a technique that works as a model that starts and maintains behaviours. The reason we all act or do something is caused by motivation; it is related to the emotions, biology and the social factors that influence behaviour. It is usually a term used to explain why an individual will do something, the reasons behind that action. Moreover, The term motivation refers to factors that activate, direct, and sustain goal-directed behaviour motives are the whys of behaviour’’ (Nevid, 2013). This coursework will explain what motivation is, what the psychological theories are and how is that crucial in explaining people’s behaviour at the work place. Firstly, an in depth explanation of what is motivation will be written, then the arguments for and against of the process theories of motivation. Finally, descriptions on how useful these theories are to predict behaviour in companies. There are four factors of motivation; that are intrinsic motivation, it incorporates following: goal, tool, situation and temperament. Goal is related to attitude and behaviour. Tool, on the other hand, is what is used to reach that goal. Situations are the external environment and the position you find yourself into. Finally Temperament is your state (internally). Pakdel (2013), from the twentieth century specialists started to evaluate other reasons for differences in motivation. Others focused on internal factors to justifyShow MoreRelatedMotivation Theory : Motivation And Motivation846 Words  | 4 PagesProfessor Jones Psychology April 28 2016 Motivation Theories Having motivation to do something is very important. Motivation plays a huge roll in everyone’s life, even If someone has very little motivation. There are several types of motivation such as Instinct and drive motivation. These two motivations are quite similar, but different at the same time. I will compare and contrast both of these types of motivation and what I think about them. These motivations are very important to your life and canRead MoreMotivation Theories Of Motivation And Motivation Essay1020 Words  | 5 Pages Overview of Presentation What is motivation? Cognitive theories of Motivation Forms of Motivation Motivation Theories Profile of Motivational Problems How to Motivate Students What is Motivation? Many different theorists have tried to define what is meant by motiviation. Urdan and Schoenfelder (2006) defined Motivation as follows: â€Å"Motivation is a complex part of human psychology and behavior that influences how individuals choose to invest their time, how much energy they exert in any givenRead MoreTheories Of Motivation And Motivation Theories1493 Words  | 6 Pagesextent, needs of theories of motivation are still relevant to contemporary management practice. Theories of motivation are important as it helps managers to understand their employees’ needs of motivations, and to motivate their employees to perform and excel better. There are several motivation theories; this essay will briefly explain six major theories of motivation and discuss three of the theories in more detail. This essay will also explain the needs theories of motivation, and will focus onRead MoreThe Theory Of Motivation And Motivation1401 Words  | 6 Pages Schools of thought in relation to motivation refer to the theories developed by different psychologists to explain motivation in dept. it is crucial to understand motivation and the factors that cause it since it contributes to achievement of one’s goal and desires in life. Therefore, motivation can be described as the process of enticing an individual through a reward to increase the occurrence of a specified behavior in an organization. Different factors can be used as motivators in an organizationRead MoreThe Theory Of Motivation And Motivation1010 Words  | 5 PagesMotivation is defined as an act or process that inspires and stimulates a person to be an effort to achieve a goal. It not only puts employees in act, but also makes them feel interesting with their job. As a result, most of employees are feeling satisfaction with their job, becoming creativity, innovation and productivity as well. However, to successful in motivating the staff is required an appropriate met hod that meets with all staff’s need. Otherwise, it is seems to useless in driving the employeesRead MoreMotivation Theories And Motivation Of Employee Motivation Essay1517 Words  | 7 Pagescontrol and some that are not. Employee motivation is something that can directly affect an organizations production. It is no secret that un-motivated employees equates to un-productive workers, but how can we combat this? In order to better understand this concept we will look at the definition of employee motivation, some of the motivation theories and some motivation techniques that could be useful in our organizations. What is employee motivation? Motivation is a word used quite often in many differentRead MoreThe Importance Of Motivation And Motivation Theory1401 Words  | 6 Pagesperformance. Therefore motivation is one of the most complex and important topics in industrial and organizational psychology (Smither ,1997). The main purpose of this essay is to explain different kinds of motivation and why it is necessary, and create a proper motivation mechanism for the company. On the one hand, I studied current research and research different motivation theories. On the other hand, I will compare the common and different things among these motivation theories, and try to findRead MoreMotivation Theory And Expectancy Theory Of Motivation1742 Words  | 7 Pagesplace. This problem mainly occurs in organisation when there is lack of motivation, lack of organisational justice, negative culture and low morale. The purpose of this case study is to give brief view about, why employees had to face these problems and how to make positive culture and what and where the changes are required for the WA force. This report introduces MARS motivation theory and Expectancy theory of motivation for improves officers’ behaviours towards force, with that how can they fillRead MoreContent Theory Of Motivation And Motivation Essay787 Words  | 4 PagesQ1] Which content theory of motivation do you consider the most suitable in present business scenario and why? ANS:- There are two theories of motivation, namely Content theories and Process theories. Content theory deals with the ‘what’ aspect of motivation. It puts down points regarding what motivates people. Its focus is to point out the factors within a person that energize, direct, sustain and stop behaviour. It focuses on the specific behaviour that motivates people. Individual needs and goalsRead MoreNotes On Motivation Theory And Motivation3458 Words  | 14 PagesChapter 2: Literature review 2.1. Motivation theory Types of motivation According to Pritchard and Ashwood (2008: 6), motivation is the process used to allocate energy to maximize the satisfaction of needs. It requires that one have a reason to do something. Well-know researchers in this area Ryan and Deci (2010) believe that a person, who feels no drive or inspiration to act, can therefore be characterized as unmotivated, while someone who is energized toward a goal can be defined as motivated
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